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EXIT 98 Season team page

THIS IS Your one-stop spot for everything you need this Exit 98 season
RJ13 Basketball Clinics InfoRJ13 Basketball Camps x Clinics will take place from 9 AM to 12 PM, offering a comprehensive program designed to enhance all aspects of a player's basketball skills. Participants are guaranteed to see improvement while enjoying the process.
BOYS EXIT 98 TRYOUTSThursday, February 27th @ RJ13 Basketball 2nd, 3rd, 4th Grade - 5:15 to 6:15 5th, 6th Grade - 6:20 to 7:20 7th, 8th Grade - 7:30 to 8:30 HS Grade - 8:30 to 9:35
WHAT IF I CAN'T MAKE THE TRYOUT DATE?Do not panic if you can’t make the scheduled tryout date! Simply register below and email us to let us know, and we’ll arrange a makeup tryout for you.
GIRLS EXIT 98 TRYOUTSTuesday, February 25th @ RJ13 Basketball 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Grade - 5:15 to 6:15 6th, 7th, 8th, HS Grade - 6:15 - 7:15
When will Exit 98 games be?All games will be posted in TeamSnap as far in advance as possible. The Full game schedule will come out in pieces throughout the season. By the 5th or 6th week of the Season ALL Games should be posted in TeamSnap for the remainder of the Season. Any movement will be limited and you will be aware of it far in advance.
When will practices be? When will I receive the full practice schedule?Throughout the 14 week season there will be a set # of practices that was addressed in your Season Package. Over the span of the season each team will practice once a week and sometimes even twice a week. The FULL Practice Schedule will be posted in TeamSnap no later than the 3rd week of the Season.
Should I be hesitant to commit to Exit 98 because of other sports or obligations?No! The Exit 98 AAU Basketball program is here to work around your conflicts and be as accommodating as possible. Prior to the start of each season Coach Ryan will gather weekly conflicts and set the practice schedule around those conflicts. For games, conflicts will be gathered throughout the duration of the season and built around to the best of their ability.
When do I have to commit to the Exit 98 Season? When do I have to pay?ALL players need to accept or deny their spot in the registration portal by the first week of practice. Some amount of payment is due by the first week of practice. Every player will receive an invoice through TeamSnap. You can pay in full or discuss a payment plan with Coach Ryan. Just reach out.
How will everything be communicated for the Exit 98 Season?EVERYTHING for the Exit 98 Season will be communicated through TeamSnap. TeamSnap is an Apple and Android friendly app as well as having a desktop version. The only way you will get a TeamSnap invite is if you are registered for the season. If you need help setting up TeamSnap just reach out to Coach Ryan.
How many Games will be in a Season? Will there be a lot of Travel?The number of games for each Exit 98 team will be outlined in the Season Package. Some games will be league games, some games will be tournament games. We strive to schedule as many games as possible at our home gyms, which include RJ13 Basketball, Belmar Rec Center, Capelli Sport in Tinton Falls, and College Achieve in Neptune City. Any travel longer than 35 minutes will be approved by parents well in advance of the games.
How long will the Exit 98 Season be?The Exit 98 Seasons are broken up into 4 different seasons. A Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer Season. The Fall Season will run from mid September to early December. The Winter Season will run from early December to early March. The Spring Season will run from early March to early June. The Summer Season will run from mid June to mid September.
What levels are the Exit 98 Teams? What is AAU Basketball?Exit 98 has teams formed for each individual grade. Exit 98 has teams formed at every level. Elite level, Intermediate level and Beginner level. The coaches will do everything they can to find the right level and competition for every player. Exit 98 is a member of the American Athletic Union. AAU Basketball is a level of basketball where players from all different towns and cities can compete on a team together. There are no restrictions in regards to where a player resides.
How many Practices are in a Season? Where will they be located?Each team can have anywhere from 14-22 practices depending on the season. Some weeks teams will practice once a week, some weeks teams will practice twice a week. Practices will only be on weekdays starting after 5pm. There are also numerous different optional workouts throughout the season players can attend, on both weekdays and weekends. All practices and workouts will be located in the Belmar, Wall area.
How long will the Exit 98 Season be?The Exit 98 Seasons are broken up into 4 different seasons. A Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer Season. The Fall Season will run from mid September to early December. The Winter Season will run from early December to early March. The Spring Season will run from early March to early June. The Summer Season will run from mid June to mid September.
What is the Price of the Exit 98 Season?The price of the Exit 98 season is always to be determined and depends on the exact number of practices and games in the season. The program is always willing to work with anyone who needs financial help with different scholarships and payment plans!
Should I be hesitant to commit to Exit 98 because of other sports or obligations?No! The Exit 98 AAU Basketball program is here to work around your conflicts and be as accommodating as possible. Prior to the start of each season Coach Ryan will gather weekly conflicts and set the practice schedule around those conflicts. For games, conflicts will be gathered throughout the duration of the season and built around to the best of their ability.
How many Players will be on each team?Each team will have no more than 9-10 players on a team. The true way to develop on the court is to actually get time on the court!
How many Games will be in a Season? Will there be a lot of Travel?Each team can have anywhere from 18-28 games in a Season. Some games will be league games, some games will be tournament games. 90% of games will be in the Belmar, Wall area. Any travel will be no longer than 35 minutes unless approved by parents way prior to the games.
What levels are the Exit 98 Teams? What is AAU Basketball?Exit 98 has teams formed for each individual grade. Exit 98 has teams formed at every level. Elite level, Intermediate level and Beginner level. The coaches will do everything they can to find the right level and competition for every player. Exit 98 is a member of the American Athletic Union. AAU Basketball is a level of basketball where players from all different towns and cities can compete on a team together. There are no restrictions in regards to where a player resides.
Exit 98 Pricing InfoAt Exit 98, we believe in being as transparent as possible with our pricing. We’ve worked hard to offer the most competitive rates we can, despite not having the support of a large facility. As someone who understands the financial commitments that come with youth sports, I want to assure you that we are here to support you. If you need a payment plan or financial assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to support you, and there’s no judgment. We do this often, and we’re committed to ensuring that no player misses out due to financial reasons. Just reach out, and we’ll find a way to help.
Exit 98 Director Ryan JaneczekFor those who may not know me, my name is Ryan Janeczek. I am the founder and director of RJ13 Basketball Training, as well as the Exit 98 AAU Basketball Program, which is an extension of RJ13. I graduated from Wall High School in 2015, where I played four years of varsity basketball and scored over 1,000 points. Following high school, I attended Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh, PA, as a Division 1 Horizon League scholarship student assistant coach. I’ve been coaching since my sophomore year of high school, and my track record in the field speaks for itself. At Exit 98, we have expanded and now have a team of eight experienced, paid coaches and trainers. I, Ryan, will continue to serve as the director and will be your main point of contact. I assure parents that I am fully committed to supporting these athletes both on and off the court.
Exit 98 Season OrganizationHaving played, coached, and been involved with various basketball organizations, I understand how frustrating it can be when games or practices are changed at the last minute. We know our players rely on us, just as I relied on my coaches, and we aim to provide that same consistency. Once we gather all scheduling conflicts and set the practice schedule, it’s locked in for the season. While there may be occasional adjustments, we’ll notify you well in advance, and all updates will be communicated through TeamSnap. Similarly, game and tournament schedules will be provided early, with only rare exceptions like last-minute fill-ins. Believe it or not, I do have a life outside of basketball (I don’t sleep in the gym!), and organization is just as important to me as it is to you.
Welcome to the Exit 98 Season!It is our pleasure to extend a warm welcome as we begin the 11th season of Exit 98! Leading a program of this nature is a true privilege for my coaching staff and me. We are fully committed to ensuring that every player in our program completes the season as a more refined and skilled basketball player / person.
enter tournament conflicts here!
RJ13 Basketball Clinics InfoRJ13 Basketball Camps x Clinics will take place from 9 AM to 12 PM, offering a comprehensive program designed to enhance all aspects of a player's basketball skills. Participants are guaranteed to see improvement while enjoying the process.
BOYS EXIT 98 TRYOUTSThursday, February 27th @ RJ13 Basketball 2nd, 3rd, 4th Grade - 5:15 to 6:15 5th, 6th Grade - 6:20 to 7:20 7th, 8th Grade - 7:30 to 8:30 HS Grade - 8:30 to 9:35
WHAT IF I CAN'T MAKE THE TRYOUT DATE?Do not panic if you can’t make the scheduled tryout date! Simply register below and email us to let us know, and we’ll arrange a makeup tryout for you.
GIRLS EXIT 98 TRYOUTSTuesday, February 25th @ RJ13 Basketball 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Grade - 5:15 to 6:15 6th, 7th, 8th, HS Grade - 6:15 - 7:15
When will Exit 98 games be?All games will be posted in TeamSnap as far in advance as possible. The Full game schedule will come out in pieces throughout the season. By the 5th or 6th week of the Season ALL Games should be posted in TeamSnap for the remainder of the Season. Any movement will be limited and you will be aware of it far in advance.
When will practices be? When will I receive the full practice schedule?Throughout the 14 week season there will be a set # of practices that was addressed in your Season Package. Over the span of the season each team will practice once a week and sometimes even twice a week. The FULL Practice Schedule will be posted in TeamSnap no later than the 3rd week of the Season.
Should I be hesitant to commit to Exit 98 because of other sports or obligations?No! The Exit 98 AAU Basketball program is here to work around your conflicts and be as accommodating as possible. Prior to the start of each season Coach Ryan will gather weekly conflicts and set the practice schedule around those conflicts. For games, conflicts will be gathered throughout the duration of the season and built around to the best of their ability.
When do I have to commit to the Exit 98 Season? When do I have to pay?ALL players need to accept or deny their spot in the registration portal by the first week of practice. Some amount of payment is due by the first week of practice. Every player will receive an invoice through TeamSnap. You can pay in full or discuss a payment plan with Coach Ryan. Just reach out.
How will everything be communicated for the Exit 98 Season?EVERYTHING for the Exit 98 Season will be communicated through TeamSnap. TeamSnap is an Apple and Android friendly app as well as having a desktop version. The only way you will get a TeamSnap invite is if you are registered for the season. If you need help setting up TeamSnap just reach out to Coach Ryan.
How many Games will be in a Season? Will there be a lot of Travel?The number of games for each Exit 98 team will be outlined in the Season Package. Some games will be league games, some games will be tournament games. We strive to schedule as many games as possible at our home gyms, which include RJ13 Basketball, Belmar Rec Center, Capelli Sport in Tinton Falls, and College Achieve in Neptune City. Any travel longer than 35 minutes will be approved by parents well in advance of the games.
How long will the Exit 98 Season be?The Exit 98 Seasons are broken up into 4 different seasons. A Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer Season. The Fall Season will run from mid September to early December. The Winter Season will run from early December to early March. The Spring Season will run from early March to early June. The Summer Season will run from mid June to mid September.
What levels are the Exit 98 Teams? What is AAU Basketball?Exit 98 has teams formed for each individual grade. Exit 98 has teams formed at every level. Elite level, Intermediate level and Beginner level. The coaches will do everything they can to find the right level and competition for every player. Exit 98 is a member of the American Athletic Union. AAU Basketball is a level of basketball where players from all different towns and cities can compete on a team together. There are no restrictions in regards to where a player resides.
How many Practices are in a Season? Where will they be located?Each team can have anywhere from 14-22 practices depending on the season. Some weeks teams will practice once a week, some weeks teams will practice twice a week. Practices will only be on weekdays starting after 5pm. There are also numerous different optional workouts throughout the season players can attend, on both weekdays and weekends. All practices and workouts will be located in the Belmar, Wall area.
How long will the Exit 98 Season be?The Exit 98 Seasons are broken up into 4 different seasons. A Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer Season. The Fall Season will run from mid September to early December. The Winter Season will run from early December to early March. The Spring Season will run from early March to early June. The Summer Season will run from mid June to mid September.
What is the Price of the Exit 98 Season?The price of the Exit 98 season is always to be determined and depends on the exact number of practices and games in the season. The program is always willing to work with anyone who needs financial help with different scholarships and payment plans!
Should I be hesitant to commit to Exit 98 because of other sports or obligations?No! The Exit 98 AAU Basketball program is here to work around your conflicts and be as accommodating as possible. Prior to the start of each season Coach Ryan will gather weekly conflicts and set the practice schedule around those conflicts. For games, conflicts will be gathered throughout the duration of the season and built around to the best of their ability.
How many Players will be on each team?Each team will have no more than 9-10 players on a team. The true way to develop on the court is to actually get time on the court!
How many Games will be in a Season? Will there be a lot of Travel?Each team can have anywhere from 18-28 games in a Season. Some games will be league games, some games will be tournament games. 90% of games will be in the Belmar, Wall area. Any travel will be no longer than 35 minutes unless approved by parents way prior to the games.
What levels are the Exit 98 Teams? What is AAU Basketball?Exit 98 has teams formed for each individual grade. Exit 98 has teams formed at every level. Elite level, Intermediate level and Beginner level. The coaches will do everything they can to find the right level and competition for every player. Exit 98 is a member of the American Athletic Union. AAU Basketball is a level of basketball where players from all different towns and cities can compete on a team together. There are no restrictions in regards to where a player resides.
Exit 98 Pricing InfoAt Exit 98, we believe in being as transparent as possible with our pricing. We’ve worked hard to offer the most competitive rates we can, despite not having the support of a large facility. As someone who understands the financial commitments that come with youth sports, I want to assure you that we are here to support you. If you need a payment plan or financial assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to support you, and there’s no judgment. We do this often, and we’re committed to ensuring that no player misses out due to financial reasons. Just reach out, and we’ll find a way to help.
Exit 98 Director Ryan JaneczekFor those who may not know me, my name is Ryan Janeczek. I am the founder and director of RJ13 Basketball Training, as well as the Exit 98 AAU Basketball Program, which is an extension of RJ13. I graduated from Wall High School in 2015, where I played four years of varsity basketball and scored over 1,000 points. Following high school, I attended Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh, PA, as a Division 1 Horizon League scholarship student assistant coach. I’ve been coaching since my sophomore year of high school, and my track record in the field speaks for itself. At Exit 98, we have expanded and now have a team of eight experienced, paid coaches and trainers. I, Ryan, will continue to serve as the director and will be your main point of contact. I assure parents that I am fully committed to supporting these athletes both on and off the court.
Exit 98 Season OrganizationHaving played, coached, and been involved with various basketball organizations, I understand how frustrating it can be when games or practices are changed at the last minute. We know our players rely on us, just as I relied on my coaches, and we aim to provide that same consistency. Once we gather all scheduling conflicts and set the practice schedule, it’s locked in for the season. While there may be occasional adjustments, we’ll notify you well in advance, and all updates will be communicated through TeamSnap. Similarly, game and tournament schedules will be provided early, with only rare exceptions like last-minute fill-ins. Believe it or not, I do have a life outside of basketball (I don’t sleep in the gym!), and organization is just as important to me as it is to you.
Welcome to the Exit 98 Season!It is our pleasure to extend a warm welcome as we begin the 11th season of Exit 98! Leading a program of this nature is a true privilege for my coaching staff and me. We are fully committed to ensuring that every player in our program completes the season as a more refined and skilled basketball player / person.
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